Bethel Animal Hospital

7680 Bethel Road
Gainesville, GA 30506



Black and white dog

Vaccinations are vital to the health and protection of your pet, and serve as a preventative measure for combating viral diseases like Parvovirus, Parainfluenza virus, Distemper, Lyme, Panleukopenia, Feline leukemia Virus and Rabies to name a few. Vaccinations are accompanied by a veterinarian consultation and examination to make certain that your pet's condition is stable enough to receive them.

Vaccinations help to combat diseases by exposing the pet's immune system to inactive or small amount of a particular form of bacteria or virus. Dr. Pete will help you decide which vaccines are appropriate for your pet's risk factors. Proper and timely administration is paramount to ensure for optimal protection. Vaccinations are particularly important to young animals that have immature immune systems. Vaccinations generally being 6-8 weeks of age and are given every three to four weeks until the series is completed.